Expert Environmental Solutions

Whether it's water, wastewater, air or energy we have the expertise to help you.

Industrial Water Treatment

World-class expertise covering steam generation, cooling, closed systems & water purification.

Water Treatment →

Liquid Waste Management

Industrial wastewater treatment, process optimisation, discharge compliance, water reuse & recovery.

Wastewater Treatment →

Indoor Air Quality

Specialist indoor air quality, exhaust ventilation and air hygiene solutions.

Indoor Air Quality →

Energy Efficiency & Resource Optimisation

World-class energy efficiency and resource optimisation solutions for business.

Resource Efficiency →

Legionella & Pathogen Control

Maintaining safe water & compliance through effective management, control & analysis.

Legionella Control →

Industrial Water Treatment


Industrial water treatment services delivered by experts. Our engineers combine their expertise with the latest high performance water treatment chemicals, equipment and controllers to reduce costs; improve safety, reliability and efficiency, and extend asset lifecycles. Expert in the management of industrial boilers and steam generating systems, cooling towers and cooling water systems; closed systems, and Legionella control and compliance… water treatment →

Industrial wastewater treatment


Industrial wastewater treatment and trade effluent solutions to improve cost efficiency, process optimisation and environmental compliance. Our innovative industrial wastewater and effluent treatment solutions encompass effluent discharge, regulatory compliance and consent evaluation; process design, chemical and biological treatments, sludge management, and the latest water recycling and re-use solutions… wastewater treatment →

Air quality testing and air hygiene


Expert air quality solutions to help organisations manage air quality and other environmental issues that may affect the quality of internal workplace environments and the health and well-being of building occupants. Our specialist air quality management solutions include indoor air quality assessments, LEV testing and inspections, dust and air quality monitoring, ventilation ductwork cleaning and comprehensive air hygiene services… air quality →

Energy efficiency and resource conservation


Innovative energy efficiency and resource optimisation solutions for organisations seeking to become more energy efficient, save water, reduce costs and build sustainable environmental performance. Our energy efficiency experts examine the use of energy and water in industrial heat transfer systems, steam boilers, HVAC, cooling towers, and the treatment of wastewater and effluent in commercial, industrial and process applications… energy efficiency →

Water Treatment, Wastewater Treatment, Air Quality & Energy Efficiency

Water Treatment Services is a leading UK industrial water treatment company and environmental specialist delivering expert advice, engineering support solutions and world-class consulting services across a range of specialist disciplines involving the use and management of water, wastewater, air and energy.

Our innovative solutions for the treatment of industrial and process waters, Legionella control, industrial wastewater treatment, air quality analysis and energy efficiency are delivered through world-class teams of water management, environmental and engineering specialists who bring together unparalleled experience, comprehensive capabilities and practical know-how across their specialist areas of operation to deliver real performance improvements to clients.

We are strategically located throughout the UK with main offices in London serving the South and South East England, Manchester serving the North West, and Glasgow serving Scotland. These are further supported by offices in Birmingham (Midlands), Bristol (South West England and Wales) and Leeds (North and North East England), regional teams of engineers, in-field specialists and technical experts who deliver advice and engineering solutions to support our clients across all institutional, commercial and industrial sectors throughout the UK and Ireland.

If you’d like to learn more about what we do or how we can help you contact us today by calling 0330 223 31 31 or simply use the button below to get our full contact details or submit our contact form.

Our Areas of Expertise …

  • Water Treatment

    Water Treatment Services offer a comprehensive range of specialist industrial water treatment and water safety solutions that bring together the expertise of trained water management professionals with the latest high performance water treatment techniques to deliver real performance, reliability, cost and safety improvements to our clients.

    Our expert water management solutions encompass boiler water treatment for industrial boilers and steam generating systems, cooling water treatment for cooling towers and cooling water systems; and water management support for closed system heating, closed cooling and closed loop chilled water systems.

    Our water hygiene solutions include specialist water disinfection and legionella control procedures for the management of waterborne pathogens including pseudomonas and Legionnaires’ disease. We also offer a full range of engineering support solutions including water softeners and reverse osmosis installations, cooling tower cleaning and maintenance, water tank refurbishment and replacement, and specialist coatings for tank relining … water treatment →

  • Industrial Wastewater Treatment

    Our extensive water, environmental and liquid waste management capabilities allow us to deliver innovative, world-class solutions for the treatment of wastewater and trade effluent from manufacturing, process, industrial and commercial activities. Our industrial wastewater and effluent treatment specialists help clients achieve process improvements and energy savings while ensuring they meet trade effluent discharge standards in the most environmentally sympathetic, cost effective manner.

    Our specialist industrial wastewater and trade effluent treatment solutions cover effluent discharge, regulatory compliance and consent evaluation; process design, plant and equipment, chemical treatments, sludge management, and the latest water recycling and reuse solutions… wastewater treatment →

  • Legionella Control

    Expert legionella control and specialist environmental hygiene solutions including risk assessments, training courses and legionella testing services to support the control of Legionnaires’ disease, legionella bacteria, Pseudomonas and other waterborne pathogens in the workplace.

    Our specialist legionella risk assessment services are delivered by experts to ensure the risks associated with Legionnaires’ disease are managed to meet the UK’s regulatory standards including those set by the Health & Safety Executive.

    Our industry leading legionella training courses support organisations and individuals with responsibility for the management and control of Legionnaires’ disease and legionella in the workplace. Catering for different roles and levels of management responsibility they are delivered by experienced industry experts to ensure you have the skills and practical knowledge required to fulfil your responsibilities with confidence… legionella control →

  • Air Quality

    Expert air quality testing and indoor air hygiene solutions delivered by experienced specialists who combine the latest high performance testing and analysis equipment, computer modelling and laboratory techniques to help identify, evaluate then manage indoor air quality and other environmental issues that can affect the suitability of workplace environments and the health of building occupants.

    Our specialist “built-environment” air quality management solutions include indoor air quality assessments, air testing, Local Exhaust Ventilation testing and LEV inspections, air quality monitoring, ventilation ductwork cleaning and comprehensive air hygiene services… air quality →

  • Energy Efficiency

    Innovative energy efficiency and resource optimisation solutions involving the evaluation of operations that use water and energy primarily in heat generation and cooling processes. We collaborate with clients to improve the energy performance of HVAC systems, industrial boilers and large scale steam generators, cooling towers and cooling water systems, and the treatment of wastewater and trade effluent from industrial, commercial and process applications.

    The holistic approach taken by our engineers and energy efficiency experts delivers real cost savings, process, energy and environmental improvements to client operations… energy efficiency →

What’s New at WTS …


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Swan Buildings
Manchester M4 5JW
0330 223 31 31
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High Holborn
London WC1V 7QT
0330 223 31 31
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Glasgow G1 3HL
0330 223 31 31
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Imperial College London
Clearly Drinks
Johnson Matthey
The Wildlife Trusts
Roxel Propulsion Systems
Stobart Energy
The Christie NHS Foundation Trust


You’re in safe hands with us. Our innovative engineering and environmental management solutions are delivered through world-class teams of specialists who deliver expert advice, support and real performance improvements to clients.

Whether your issues involve process water, improving the management of industrial wastewater and effluent, poor indoor air quality, or you may be seeking to become more energy efficient, save water and build sustainable environmental performance then we have the experience and expertise to help… contact us


Environmental sustainability is becoming increasingly important to the way we interact with the world around us. Our future expectations around issues of social responsibility, economic and environmental performance are changing and are now no longer seen by many as being mutually exclusive.

For those environmentally responsible organisations this presents significant challenges and this is where the holistic approach taken by our water, environmental and energy efficiency experts can help deliver real process, energy and environmental improvements to your operations… energy efficiency